Time to get Crabby!
A Party for Electoral Reform in the State of Maryland
We fight for a fairer democracy, and a representative republic!
For too long have the people of Maryland been disgruntled, dissatisfied, and disenfranchised by a government which does not represent them. Our state is dominated by nationalized partisanship, and controlled and wealthy elites.
The Coalition for the Removal of Asinine Ballots (CRAB) Party is dedicated to the singular goal of making the voice of the people heard through reform of our electoral and legislative systems in the State of Maryland. The only way for the change the people need is for their voices to be heard, and for that to happen we must fix our broken system of elections.
Our Policies
We have laid out our propositions for reform on our policy page. Our commitment is that these are our only positions, and once the party has achieved its goals its members will literally resign from office and the people can then vote on their replacements. Once these policies have been carried out, the party has served its purpose and will dissolve.
We propose reforming our government to be proportionally representative of the people, become the first state to have a multi-party system, and remove the influence of the national parties on our state of Maryland. View our current agenda here!
We need you!
In order to become a political party in the glorious state of Maryland, we need the support of the people! We are looking for people to support us, so that we can eventually form a petition to the state.
If you too want a better government more fit for the people, show your support!